Blood transfusion: indications, administration and adverse reactions
Table of contents
- Essentials
- Pre-transfusion testing
- Red blood cell transfusion evd
- Platelet transfusion
- Plasma transfusion
- Correct administration of a blood transfusion evd
- Blood transfusion reactions, near miss events and incidents (incorrect blood component transfusions)
- Measures when suspecting a transfusion reaction
- Treatment depending on the aetiology of the blood transfusion reaction
- The information presented in this article is based on the practice and policies in Finland. Local (national, regional) variation, instructions and regulations are likely to exist in other countries and should be taken into account.
- Donated blood is always processed into red blood cell, platelet and fresh frozen plasma
- Red blood cells are transfused in anaemia to provide adequate oxygen delivery.
- Platelets (thrombocytes) are indicated for the management of haemorrhage or in thrombocytopenia to promote haemostasis where either the number or functioning of platelets is insufficient.
- Fresh frozen plasma (e.g. OctaplasLG®) is transfused to replace coagulation factors in haemorrhage when associated with the simultaneous deficiency of several coagulation factors.
- The treating unit should prepare for blood transfusion by
- checking any instructions for blood transfusion previously given to the patient
- ordering pre-transfusion tests
- ordering the blood products.
- In blood transfusions administered in the patient’s home, all the codes of practice stipulated for blood transfusions must be closely adhered to. Home blood transfusion is only recommended for patients who have received previous problem-free transfusions in a hospital setting.
- Basically, one product should be given at a time while monitoring the response.
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