Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

EBM Guidelines
Mar 9, 2023 • Latest change Jan 18, 2024
Kai Kaarniranta

Table of contents


  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD ) refers to degeneration of the area of high-acuity vision (macula) in the fundus of the eye, associated with aging.
  • AMD is divided into dry and wet forms.
  • The dry form progresses slowly over several years.
  • The wet form may progress rapidly within days or weeks.
  • In AMD, both distance and near vision deteriorate.
  • Refer a patient with the suspected wet form of the disease for investigations and treatment by an ophthalmologist within 1–7 days.

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AMD, ARMD, Age-related macular degeneration, Age-related maculopathy, CNV, Color Perception, Fundus Oculi, H35.30, H35.31, H35.4, Macula Lutea, Macular Degeneration, Ophthalmology, Retinal Degeneration, Vision Disorders, Visual Acuity, Visual Fields, atrophic macular degeneration, exudative macular degeneration, metamorphopsia