Examination and treatment of a rape victim

EBM Guidelines
Sep 11, 2018 • Latest change Feb 6, 2023
Antti Sajantila and Pirkko Brusila

Table of contents


  • In crime cases the police and the doctor need to agree on the timing and aims of the examination. Acquaint yourself with the local practices. The physician should examine the victim as soon as possible after an alleged sexual offence.
  • If the victim has already reported the offence to police, the police investigation should preferably be performed before the medical examination. If not yet done, encourage the victim to report the offence.
  • The examination includes the documentation of all body injuries, genital examination, gynaecological investigation and taking forensic medical samples.
  • If the victim is a minor, also contact the child protection authorities.
  • Examining the victim of an incest, see Identification and management of sexual abuse of a child1
  • Prevent pregnancy and infections.
  • Provide counselling and arrange further care.
  • Find out about and follow local policies and instructions, and utilize relevant materials provided by local authorities or non-governmental organizations.

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Search terms

DNA analysis, DNA sample, Forensic medicine, Rape, Sex Offenses, Specimen Handling, T74.2, Y05*, Z04.4, Z04.4, collection of a specimen, drug research, semen analysis, sexual abuse, sexual assault